Hi, Everyone! Sue, here. So sorry it’s been ages since we’ve had a blog update from Tsunami Central, but the truth is with a three year old and a three month old at home, most of our time away from the shop has been spoken for. That’s right. I just played The New Baby Card. BAM!

I promise that Phuc will be back up in this space soon with some new tattoo photos and his witty repartee.  But while we all wait for his triumphant return to the blogosphere, I want to share a couple of important updates:

TOMORROW (Saturday, December 14th) from 2-6 PM, Tsunami will host its first Pop-Up Shop featuring the inspired leather and metal stylings of Hannah Tarkinson’s Ponomo line and ceramicist extraordinaire Megan K. Walsh – including some super hot collaborative work (sneak peek below). I’ll also be on hand all afternoon to help you purchase your Tsunami Tattoo gift certificates. Take care of everyone on your list in one fun stop!

Peek-a-boo leather and ceramic flask

Peek-a-boo leather and ceramic flask

Speaking of the holidays, from December 21st to January 2nd, the shop will be operating by appointment only. If you plan to stop by, definitely call first to make sure we’re there. Otherwise, we will see you in the new year!

And, last but not least, the obligatory baby photo…


